The Rogue Christian
How to Live the Christian Life with Impact

Today, sexual depravity is rampant, the occult has gone mainstream, suicide rates are escalating, and mass shootings are commonplace. We’re divided in a cultural civil war and Christians are the enemy, yet most churches rarely discuss these issues.

Meanwhile, youth are walking away from the church in droves, as are many adults. 65-70% of Christian men are viewing porn. Stories of pastors being exposed for sexual immorality or spiritual abuse abound. Performance-driven, prayerless church services have created isolated, comfortable Christians instead of spiritual warriors and overcomers.

Rogues have a passionate love relationship with the Lord; they are spiritual warriors who live their life with spiritual impact. Join us on the journey as we equip and challenge you to go beyond status quo Christianity.

What Readers Say

  • I loved the message of The Rogue Christian. This is something that I have been struggling with at our church. I don't feel challenged or that there is a genuine interest in the congregation growing in their faith-walk. You book helped me put that into perspective.

  • I love The Rogue Christian, and think it hits the bullseye on so many levels. Your view of the modern-day church is something we all need to hear. Almost every Sunday in church we come away a bit empty, still longing for more.

  • Your book speaks of the lack of prayer in the church. It’s true. The church has become too complacent and ritualistic.

  • I am reading The Rogue Christian. It is one of the best resources I've come across in years! The Lord has obviously given you the ability to discern and communicate well. The book is a challenge to the modern thinking and is needed!

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The Author

Meet Mike Genung - Author

Mike Genung is the founder of Blazing Grace, an international ministry to the sexually broken. After years of counseling God’s people, Mike saw that many believers, including pastors, were in bondage to sin, wounded, distant from God, and lacking an effective prayer life even though they’d attended church for years. The Rogue Christian was birthed from the desperate need to equip God’s people to be overcomers and spiritual warriors in the dark times we live in.

The Rogue Christian
The Status Quo Has Failed;
it’s Time to go Rogue

The Rogue Christian - Book

The Rogue Christian takes a hard look at where we are today, explores the root causes of why the church has lost its salt, and provides the biblical action steps every believer can take to spark the spiritual awakening that will turn the church around. The journey begins by building your life around a passionate love-relationship with the Lord.

Paperback and Ebook formats are available.

Quantity discounts available. See the store for more details.

The Way of the Rogue Christian:
Living a Life that Counts for Eternity

The Way of the Rogue Christian

The moment you die, whether you knew Jesus Christ as Lord and how you invested your time on earth will be all that matters. Mike Genung’s second book in the Rogue Christian series will equip and challenge you to live a life that counts for eternity. The adventure begins with The Rogue’s Creed; seven Biblical pillars for building a life of eternal significance and impact.

Paperback and eBook versions are available.

The Rogue books are great for group study in your church or small group.

Rogue Resources

In this site you’ll find many resources to help you live a life that counts for eternity.

Check out the articles under For Rogues, The Armory, or the blog, or watch our free video series 30 Days of Prayer to take your prayer life and your walk with God to the next level, or check out our video page for more. Be sure to sign up for our email newsletter for updates too, located at the bottom of the page.

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