Reader Comments on The Rogue Christian

“I just finished your book and loved the message. This is something I have been struggling with at our church. I don’t feel challenged or feel that there is a genuine interest in helping the congregation grow in their faith-walk. You book helped me put that into perspective.”

“I love The Rogue Christian, and think it hits the bullseye on so many levels. Your view of the modern-day church is something we all definitely need to hear. Almost every Sunday in church we come away a bit empty, still longing for more, for Jesus, for God to be exalted and lifted higher. Mike, I’m in your corner on what you’re doing in your ministry. I know how hard a ministry like yours is. Keep up the good work, and keep writing to spread the truth to the world!”

“I teach a group Sundays at our church.  Recently I could not figure out what our next “study” was going to be. I believe the Lord showed me He didn’t want me to start a study, He wants us to simply read and pray.  To be still.  To cry out to Him while getting His word in our innermost being.  So we are pulling together for a time of reading encouraging scripture to build ourselves up in the faith and also to pray based on the scriptures we just read.  He confirmed this to me after reading some of the things in your book.  Your book speaks of the lack of prayer in the church.  Its true.  It’s too complacent and ritualistic.  Pray that my church gets set on fire and that it starts spreading.”

“I really appreciated The Rogue Christian. It was excellent. May God use it to challenge and bless many, many people.”

“Thank you for The Rogue Christian. I have gone through a desert and am drained and thirsty for the Lord. I see Rogue as paddles in the emergency room to jump start the heart.”

“I am reading The Rogue Christian. It is one of the best resources I’ve come across in years! The Lord has obviously given you the ability to discern and communicate well. The stance on scripture is the key in that and it’s obvious you want to honor The Lord. I don’t see that in many authors today who write. Scripture is truncated and only the hippy-dippy stuff is conveyed leaving off the consequences and heart matter that lead to the fear of God, reverence He is due and relationship which is fostered in prayer. Looking forward to finishing the book. Really a challenge to the modern thinking which is needed.”

“I just finished The Rogue Christian. I’m blown away! It’s been a week of reading some and praying, repenting, searching my own heart, seeing God expose things in my heart I needed to deal with. The part in TRC about trials being a blessing…I felt God has been teaching that to me but I didn’t seem to fully get it. Now I do. It us already changing my viewpoint on situations in my life!

The part about meeting once a week with someone challenged me again. So thank you for playing a part in me seeing for that again. The part about praying for your church to become rogue. I’m committing to that.”

“I have been reading The Rogue Christian and can’t put it down.  I am resonating with so very much of it as if you were reading my mind.   This book needs to be in the hands of every group leader in the world and I would say every pastor but that would be wasted on too many of them.  I am going to recommend that other men’s group leaders I know get a hold of this book and read it ASAP.  Heck, I might even buy it for them.

I particularly enjoyed the encouragement to go on a God-seeking retreat.  I am fortunate enough to have an off-grid cabin close to me that is quiet, secluded, and peaceful for such retreats and I get to do it often.  I am going to invite 1 or 2 other leaders at a time to come up with me for retreats.  We can spread out in three different rooms for individual prayer and contemplation  The quiet is great for recharging my mental and spiritual batteries but seeking and communicating with the Lord both individually and corporately is a whole other level of energizing.or re-energizing.

Thank you so much and I hope you are doing well and being encouraged yourself these days with our national political mayhem spilling into the rest of our lives.”

“I’m half-way through your book… there’s so much truth for the church to heed!”

“I read The Rogue Christian and really like it! Keep up the good work. I felt a unity with your message in the book, I have always felt like a “Rogue”, and an “Outlier “, cutting against the grain and flow of the crowd of Churchianity.”

“I want to let you know I received The Rogue Christian this afternoon.  I’m having trouble putting it down.  I did not realize how much I didn’t know about all the matters discussed in the first few chapters. So glad I purchased a copy. God bless you as you forge ahead doing the important work you are called to do!!”