Day 11 of the 30 Days of Prayer – Blessing Him

Posted: Oct 09, 2020

Last year I led the Easter service at a church in Colorado. I’ve never believed that doing church “the way we’ve always done it before” is the right approach, and went to God and asked Him what would bless Him for the Easter service.

All my life I had been to Easter services where all the stops were pulled out and there was a big emphasis on the decorations, music, and message. I was expecting a similar answer; maybe He’d give me an idea for the message.

His answer shocked me.

“Just thank me.”

“That’s it?? No big celebration or anything?” And then He answered the same way by bringing me to Psalm 50:23:

The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me;
to one who orders his way rightly
I will show the salvation of God!

Psalm 50:23

So that was our Easter service. I gave a brief message on thanking God, we broke up and spent time thanking Him in prayer, then had communion. It must have been the quietest Easter service in North America.

How often do we think to ask God what will bless Him? It’s easy to miss Him by allowing our routines and traditions drive our Christian walk and how we do church. if you want to know how to please the Lord, ask Him! Just be prepared if His answer isn’t what you expected.

The life of the Rogue Christian is an adventure. Once you join us, your life will never be the same.

Today, spend time offering God an offering of thanksgiving.

Watch the video for more, or click here:

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All videos of 30 Days of Prayer are available for viewing at our youtube channel