Not often, but every once in a while, God brings us to a major turning point— a great crossroads in our life. From that point we either go toward a more and more slow, lazy, and useless Christian life, or we become more and more on fire, giving our utmost for His highest— our best for His glory.
– Oswald Chambers
At the end of 2020, I saw posts on social media where people were relieved that 2020 was over. Surely 2021 would be better. Covid would go away, everyone would get along again, and we’d “get back to normal.”
On January 6, 2021, the US capitol was breached. Covid, like a hydra, keeps growing new heads. Racial tensions continue to simmer. The murder rate in the US increased 30% in 2021 as compared to 2020. Sexual depravity is the norm. The occult is mainstream. Two days ago, I visited a Barnes and Noble. A mother and her teenage daughter were standing next to the occult book section near the main aisle. The daughter was arguing with her mother because she wanted to buy a book of spells “so she could learn to talk to spirits.” Thankfully, her mom responded with “No, you don’t need that!” But, chances are high that her daughter has been exposed to the occult prior to visiting Barnes and Noble. If Mom isn’t a believer and can’t explain to her daughter why flirting with the occult is dangerous, her daughter may eventually get what she wants.
Youth and adults continue to exit the church. Last summer, a guy started a website offering a program on how to walk away from the faith. Every day the news has stories of church leaders exposed for sexual sin, arrogance, or spiritual abuse. The porn epidemic in the church continues to rage, nearly unabated.
In most churches you won’t hear a word about the above Sunday morning. The faithful stroll into church, Starbucks coffee cups in hand. “Back to our verse by verse study in 1 Corinthians on spiritual gifts. The worship band really rocked it today. Hey, what’s for lunch?” Zzzzzzzz.
My family and I spent much of 2021 visiting churches of all sizes looking for a new home church (we moved to Arizona in 2020). Most of the church websites I looked at said “Come as you are.” We didn’t hear “You can’t stay as you are” or about “the narrow road that leads to life that few find” (Mathew 7:13-14). They want everyone to feel comfortable, which is a part of the problem. I’m not talking about chairs. The pastor of one church we visited apologized for giving a message on depression “because it wasn’t a pleasant topic.” Another church played secular music immediately after their service. The pastor at another church based his sermons on “The Chosen,” and was encouraging the flock to watch that week’s episode.
No wonder people are walking away from the faith; churches like this are just another entertainment option. I had hoped to find a church that spent time praying Sunday mornings. Forget it. Gonna have to start a home church if I want that. Whatever happened to being devoted to teaching, fellowship, and prayer? (Acts 2:42), confronting the church over its sexual sin as Jesus told us to do in Revelations, and challenging people to go all out with God? Maybe watching The Chosen will give me the answers. (I’m not knocking the program, but we have to discern between Cultural Christianity/Christian entertainment, and actually doing what has impact and is commanded in Scripture.)
Or maybe I’ll leave the TV off and go rogue by spending at least an hour every day in prayer, cultivate a passionate love relationship with the Lord, and focus on doing what God’s word says to do instead of merely studying it. Our team at Blazing Grace will continue to expose the sexual sin in the church and offer healing and freedom for those who want it. And I’ll focus on making my brief life count for eternity and encourage others to do the same.
Later this month, my next book will be released: The Way of the Rogue Christian: Living a Life that Counts for Eternity. The book will challenge and equip you and your church to live a life of spiritual impact and significance. More on the book in the weeks ahead.
2022 will be the year of the Rogue Christian. We live in dark times that are getting darker. Lukewarm believers will either fade away, or they’ll keep playing church as long as they don’t get offended or forced out of their comfort bubble. Then they’ll look for another entertainment option, oops, I mean… church.
Those who aren’t playing games with sin or God are the ones who will be tough enough to endure to the end, no matter what happens. It is the Rogue Christians, the doers of the word who are willing to go all the way with God, who will make their lives count for eternity.
And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.
Matthew 24:10-13
I will leave you with this. We see a lot of men who are playing games with pornography and sexual sin. They’re destroying themselves, their marriages, their families. If this is you, please don’t wait a day longer. Get help now. Don’t waste your life on the pathetic love-counterfeit of lust.